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Mix a dose of climate change anxiety with a sprinkle of racist ideas, and you get: ecofascism. But what is it exactly? And why is it sometimes associated with mindfulness, spirituality, and yoga?

The amazing One World magazine challenged me to dive into the scariest of rabbit holes, for their article on eco-fascism! This must reed piece, written by Femke van Zeijl, describes the ultra right corner of the environmentalist movement. And how distorted interpretations of climate science, European origin myths, Viking aesthetics, yoga and New Age spirituality shaped theories of h*te. My illustration is a compilation of little drawings I made while researching this topic.

Thank you Seada Nourhussen, Angela Tellier and team for this opportunity. I'm so grateful to be featured in a magazine alongside my friend Josephine Zwaan (a.k.a. Suzooki Swift), the amazing Lionstorm and Babeth Fonchie.

Author: Femke van Zeijl

Illustration: Richard Kofi


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