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Water Holds Memory (2024)
Junadry and I had the honor of participating in the residency program Water Holds Memory of the Terra Foundation in Giverny, France.
Keti Koti (2024)
On June 30th, I curated a programme for Keti Koti at the International Theatre Amsterdam (ITA), focused on the liberation from the...
Mi Pret'i Wowo (2024)
Mi Pret’i Wowo is an interdisciplinary rhythmic exploration of connection and healing.
Museum of Black Futures: an open letter to the Congregation (2024)
Shortly after the recording of our very first Museum of Black Futures event I was contacted by the Congregation of the Holy Spirit.
Black Imaginarium (2023)
Over the past few years, Leocaria and Kofi have undertaken several residencies and research trips, gathering stories about Black histories.
The term ‘existential security’ became central to recent political debates, initially appearing as a common good.
Everyday Dignity (2023)
This fall, the incredible film maker Ida Does presented her new film 'Everyday Dignity'. The documentary follows Philomena Essed. Essed,...
Sjako de Meesterboef (2023)
Living in 18th-century Amsterdam, Sjako was a notorious thief who, after his death, gained a Robin Hood-like status.
The Non-Aligned (2023)
Invited by artist Richard Kofi, DJ Chinnamasta and performers Christian Guerematchi and Suzooki Swift explore the Afro-European identity.
Jakarta Post: La Sirene, the mermaid fighting oppression
An interdisciplinary exhibition, themed La Sirène, with a combination of folklore about mermaids.
La Sirene (2023)
La Sirene is an interdisciplinary art project by Junadry Leocaria and Richard Kofi in collaboration with Kommunitas Salihara and the Erasmus
The amazing One World magazine challenged me to dive into the scariest of rabbit holes, for their article on eco-fascism!
Opgroeien in armoede: Met een paar stuivers (2022)
Poverty isn’t just a modern issue. For years, children have been going to school without breakfast and missing out on birthday parties.
Feministe met een scherp pincet (2022)
Donna Haraway, renowned for her influential "Cyborg Manifesto," has significantly shaped modern feminism.
Shivant Jhagroe calls for radical climate justice, challenging the notion that "sustainability" is anything more than a green façade.
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